Monday, 4 May 2009

What is Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing? To the new internet Marketeer, affiliate marketing is basically referring a customer or internet browser through your advertising to a website or product. In order to do this the internet marketer should aim his advertising at a product which they would like to market.

For Example this product, I very Simple Idea

Is Marketed through Clickbank, by referring people through a Hoplink which is generated through the Clickbank software, you can earn a % age of the revenue generated if the product is sold through your Hoplink.

To Sign up as a ClickBank Affiliate Click Here

Once signed up with clickbank, promoting the products is relativly simple. Just a case of finding the topic or e-book you want to promote through the select menu.

Step 1
Log into your clickbank account.

Step 2

Click on the Marketplace tab, a new window opens which allows you to search for products you would like to promote.

Its simply a case of typing the keywords in of the products you need. For this example we will use the product, One Very Simple Idea. By typing "One Very Simple Idea" in inverted commas into the keywords section of the form we can get exactly what we are looking for. The result of the search looks something like this:-

Step 3

Copying the Code

At this point you get 2 options, the first is :- View Pitch Page, if you click on that link it takes you through to the actial product page you will be promoting. It is advisable to check and make sure this is the correct page you want to promote as Clickbank literally has thousands of products. Sometimes the search query you asked for does not necessary return the required products if the spelling is not exact (just a word of warning)

The second option is Create a Hoplink. Once clicked a new window opens titled Affiliate Program: Promote Products. The next step is to either type in your clickbank affiliate i.d or copy and paste it in from the clickbank homepage. The screen looks something loke this:-

Once your Clickbank Nickname (Username) has been typed in, simply click on create. A new screen will open up with the html code. This may look daunting at first but it is just a case of copy and paste from now on.
The top code in our example is a direct link to the product page which can be copied and pasted into virtually anything for example e-mails, twitter, facebook and so on. The code looks something like this:

If the link is clicked on it will take the user through to the One very simple Idea landing page which is the product we are promoting in this example. It will also carry through your hoplink details with your affiliate i.d so it will be recognised by clickbank that it is your i.d If the product is sold, you will get the commission.

The same goes for the senond code, however this code is to be copied and pasted onto your website. The result looks like this:

Click Here!

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